Sword school is Master Turk, and his lovely assistant Wolfe.
They run a martial arts school down by Pittsburgh, do weapons training classes at the Great Lakes Medieval Faire, and do miscellaneous seminars.

Check out this link to see and read about our trip to their school!

The teaching style is great. You learn lots of cool stuff, and have fun at the same time. At faire, we get to learn single short sword, double short sword, and long sword drills. At the seminars we learn all that, as well as dagger/knife drills. Take-downs, weapon strips, pressure points, joint locks, and sticky leg drills.
As you can see from the variety, they aren't locked into any one style or technique. Master Turk has studied lots of different styles and blended them together

Sword School at faire   Sword School seminars

Almost forgot to mention.
Master Turk has also patented a new kind of punching bag.
Check it out
at this site

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