These are some pics of Randy's chainmail that he made.
Taken in the lounge on Friday night
First pic is a real nice square piece with the pattern of
the Hellraiser puzzlebox.
Next three are of Gabe trying out the piece he had Randy
make for him
My daughter Britny
Ron (19Ratman66) and his daughter. Wish I would have
gotten his wife in the picture too. The whole family is
really nice, and his daughter is such a sweetheart.
Rick (Branes)
I do belive this is Monster Model Man
Hooty and his Bronze winning entry
Steve CultTVman on the right and Wayne the Dane on the
2 really cool guys I am glad I got to spend time with.
Mark (Manthing) chillin in the lobby with my daughter
with Raven Hood on the other side of him