Last Updated on: Saturday, March 19, 2022


Something a bit different.
Not actually kits, but some small resin statues that I found at a little store at our local mall.
The 2 dragons were unpainted, and the reaper had a very vanilla paintjob.
They were cheap, so I figured they would make some fun painting practice.

Well, all that was back in early 2012. I've lost interest in them, moved, lost or broken the reaper, and almost forgotten about these.
Then I got my airbrush set up, and I stumbled across them again in a box of misc resin.
And I thought, 'These would be great to practice with!'
So here they are again, 10 years later, back on the bench.
Statues Statues
I re-primed them black.
Now I am hitting them with some white ink through the airbrush. Working on my control and detail work.