My Prehistoric Scenes
Built-up Models

Woolly Mammoth
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Even more pics and indeapth discussion of the work being done
can be found in my build diary
woolly mammoth model kit The trunk is almost done, but as you can see, I still need to get the bit inside done.
woolly mammoth model kit woolly mammoth model kit
Well, the trunk is done now. Got the inside puttied and it is ready to go.
woolly mammoth model kit
woolly mammoth model kit
woolly mammoth model kit
woolly mammoth model kit
The legs are just about there. I need to do just a bit more sanding on the joint on some of the toes.
woolly mammoth model kit woolly mammoth model kit
woolly mammoth model kit woolly mammoth model kit
woolly mammoth model kit  
woolly mammoth model kit woolly mammoth model kit
Started texturing the body seam. Lots of work to do there.
woolly mammoth model kit woolly mammoth model kit
woolly mammoth model kit woolly mammoth model kit
woolly mammoth model kit Ok. I've got the head on now.
Still have a little seam work to do on the body
but I can work on that while work o nthe head seam.
If you notice I gave the head a little twist.
I also have it tilted back as far as it will go.
Hopefully this will help give the kit some dynamics.
woolly mammoth model kit woolly mammoth model kit
woolly mammoth model kit woolly mammoth model kit
The putty work is progressing a little at a time. Though I do need to go back in and grind some off on
the head. I didn't smooth it out enough and it kind of bulges.