Finished on: Saturday, February 24, 2024
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Graveyard Scenes

Graveyard Scenes

Produced by CultTVMan.
A line of 18 bases and kits in the same scale as the Monster Scenes and meant to compliment it.

Graveyard Scenes

I am going to be working on painting 13 of these bases all in one shot.
This way the bases will be done, and they will be consistent as far as colors and techniques used so the layout will feel more cohesive.

Graveyard Scenes

I am only doing 13 of them, because that is all that will
fit on the shelf I am putting them on.

Graveyard Scenes

Primed, at least most of it.

Graveyard Scenes
Bases highlighted and preshaded with the airbrush.

Graveyard Scenes Graveyard Scenes
First pass of drybrushing completed

Graveyard Scenes Graveyard Scenes
Finally back at it. On the left that was after going over everything with 4 shades of green and one shade of yellow.
Right photo - went over everything with a couple shades of brown.
Takes a while hitting everything on so many pieces all at once.

Graveyard Scenes Graveyard Scenes
Finally back at it again, in the new year. I went over all the stone work with some whites and grays to add highlights and details.
Also started work on the lettering on some of the bases.
Graveyard Scenes Graveyard Scenes
Also started working on some of the small details.

I think this is the point where I am going to start focusing on individual bases. The broad strokes are basically done, and now it is down to the fine details.
There will be some overlap, but for the most part I think I need to start picking a base and finishing it off.
Graveyard Scenes Graveyard Scenes
Graveyard Scenes Graveyard Scenes Graveyard Scenes
Graveyard Scenes
A little collage of pics from finishing the bases.
And here they are all done!
Graveyard ScenesGraveyard ScenesGraveyard ScenesGraveyard Scenes
Graveyard Scenes
Graveyard Scenes
Graveyard Scenes